Schedule of Events

Catskills Folk Connection
Tremperskill Boys
with caller, John Jacobson 

Saturday, September 16, 2017
7-10 p.m.
The Walton Grange
135 Stockton Avenue
Walton, NY 13856
$5.00 Suggested Donation   Children 12 and under Free

Catskills Folk Connection presents traditional square dances, workshops with dance musicians, and concerts featuring the dance musicians and singers of traditional Catskills folk songs.       Ginny at 607-746-3521

Funded in part by the New York State Council on the Arts, Folk Art Program, Gov. Cuomo and the NYS Legislature, and the O’Connor Foundation.  Catskills Folk Connection is sponsored by the Roxbury Arts Group.

Next dance is October 8 at Roxbury Arts Group's Fiddlers! event, noon to ? at 5025 Vega Mountain Road, Roxbury, NY  12474. 

Also Upcoming:

Saturday, September 23, at the Cauliflower Festival in Margaretville, NY 12455, Catskills Folk Connection will present traditional family recipes at a booth called "Catskills Foods: Farm, Field and Forest."  Lots of food, music and demonstrations at the Festival. 

Saturday, October 14 the Catskills Folk Lyceum will present Hannah Davis, New York Folklore Society Folklorist, who will offer a talk about New York State foodways. (Time and venue  TBD)

On Saturday October 28 the Catskills Folk Lyceum will present Neil Larson, regional consultant in architecture and historic preservation, who will offer a talk about stone houses in the Catskill Mountains. (Time and venue TBD)